Options Selling Roadmap šŸ—ŗļø

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Why is it so hard to obtain a reliable, high-yield income?
(As long as you play by Mr. Market's rules, true control and a real edge will always be out of reach.)

Hello dear investor

If youā€™re an average retail investor, the odds are heavily stacked against you.

Letā€™s be realā€”consistently earning safe, high-yield income from the stock market is almost impossible.Ā 

As we play in Mr. Market's sandbox, the rules are rigged to ensure we don't come out ahead.

You Are Here šŸ“

>> Youā€™ve heard of selling options, covered calls, cash-secured puts, the Options Wheel Strategy, but you donā€™t know where to start?Ā 

>> Are you frustrated with other people making passive income from selling options and feel you could learn this skill as well?Ā 

>> Do you dream of making an extra side income, or better yet, leaving your 9-5 to trade options full time?Ā 

>> Would you like to learn how to grow your hard-earned investment portfolio by 12-24% each year or more?

If you answered "Yes" (or "Hell Yeah!"), please keep readingā€”Iā€™ve got some big surprises for you.

>> Find out how to reliably earn high-yield income from low-risk stocks.

>> Learn the secrets to gaining a lasting advantage in the stock market.

>> Andā€”prepare to be surprisedā€”discover how you can come extremely close to avoiding losses in the stock market.Ā 

But before diving in, letā€™s unravel how Mr. Marketā€™s rules set up the game to work against those who play alongā€¦

Mr. Market: Partner or Predator?

Ben Graham, the father of value investing and mentor to Warren Buffett, introduced the concept of Mr. Market to illustrate stock market dynamics. He described Mr. Market as a business partner who daily offers to buy your share of the business or sell his to you.

The catch? Mr. Market sets the price.

Often, his pricing is more emotional than logical. Some days, he's euphoric, offering inflated prices. Other days, he's despondent, proposing bargain rates.

Graham's lesson: Capitalise on Mr. Market's irrationality rather than blindly following it.

Fast Forward to Today

Mr. Market has evolved. No longer a quaint character, he's now a formidable force - bigger, meaner, and more ruthless. While still unpredictable, he's armed with advanced technology and motivated by astronomical stakes.

Today's Mr. Market doesn't just fluctuate between ecstasy and despair - he's primed to win a game he's rigged. He knows you have only two paths to success:

  1. Invest long-term in quality businesses that appreciate gradually.
  2. Predict and outmanoeuvre his next move.

The dilemma? Option 1 is painfully slow, while Option 2 is nearly impossible to sustain.

There's a crucial reason why the second option is so challenging...

Decoding the Stock Market: The Many Faces of Mr. Market

Today's Mr. Market isn't just one entity - he's a schizophrenic trillionaire with millions of voices in his head. He represents everyone in the stock market except you:

  • Individual investors and speculators
  • Fund and portfolio managers (mutual, hedge, pension)
  • Index and ETF enthusiasts
  • Institutional traders
  • Algorithmic and high-frequency trading programs (think Jim Simons and his Medallion fund)
  • The cacophony of financial media pundits

This multitude of voices makes Mr. Market unpredictable. At best, we can use technical or probability analysis to gauge his likely moves. But we can't consistently predict his exact actions.

Why? Because that would mean accurately forecasting the collective behaviour of millions of strangers that participate in the stock market.

If our only alternatives are painstakingly slow long-term investing or trying to outguess this complex, multifaceted Mr. Market, we face a significant challenge.

The question becomes: How do we navigate this landscape effectively when traditional approaches seem inadequate?

Becoming the House: Flipping Mr. Market's Game

In gambling, they say "the house always wins." So why play as a gambler when you can be the house?

To beat Mr. Market's rigged game, we need to change our perspective entirely. Instead of trying to outsmart him, let's become him ā€“ or rather, become the house.

Our strategy? Transform from player to casino.

Mr. Market offers two losing propositions:

  1. The slow grind of decades-long wealth building
  2. The high-risk gamble of trying to predict his moves

We reject both. Instead, we'll create a third option:

We'll use psychology, technical and probability analysis, along with options strategies to position ourselves as "the house" in the stock market casino.

This approach isn't about playing Mr. Market's game better ā€“ it's about running a different game altogether. One where we set the odds, manage the risk, and consistently profit over time.

By becoming the house, we turn Mr. Market's complexity and the masses' predictable behaviors into our strategic advantage.

Remember: In this new game, we're not trying to hit the jackpot. We're aiming for the steady, reliable profits that come from owning the casino.

A Powerful Blend: Dividend-Growth Investing with Selling Options

When you blend the strengths of investing in reliable blue-chip dividend stocks with option trading, you create a new approach thatā€™s much more effective than either strategy alone.

Blue-Chip Dividend Stocks: Investing in solid, dividend-paying blue-chip stocks is a tried-and-true method for building wealth. It involves buying high-quality companies at reasonable prices, but it requires patience, discipline, and timeā€”plus, we're reliant on Mr. Marketā€™s pricing.

Option Trading: Options provide substantial leverage and flexibility, but they can come with notable risk.

Combine these approaches, and you get a powerful strategy:

By applying the leverage and flexibility of option trading to blue-chip dividend stocks, you can create your own advantageous dealsā€”often at much better discounts than what the market typically offers.

Incorporate the principles of smart stock investing into your option trades, and youā€™ll have a potent tool that boosts your returns and lowers your risk.

Okay, enough talkā€”letā€™s see what this strategy looks like in action.

I call it the Sleep Easy Dividend Options Income Strategy.

My mentor preached this approach.

He used to say, what if you combined the best aspects of long-term dividend growth investing and short-term conservative options selling?

The outcome changed my financial life. This blended approach means you can:

  • Spin-off a lifetime of dividend-like monthly cash flow.
  • Acquire quality stocks at steep discounts.
  • Generate a double-digit income yield from low-risk boring blue-chip dividend-paying companies.
  • Increase dividend income and growth.
  • It's straightforward enough for any reasonable adult to understand and implement.
  • It's simple to implement, monitor, manage, and adjust or repair when needed.
  • It clearly outlines which stocks to choose and the conditions for selection.

So, letā€™s dive in...

But first, if youā€™re an experienced traderā€”before you move onā€”I want to make it clear that this course isnā€™t just another fluff piece or the same generic options training you find online, in YouTube videos, or from your online broker.

Dynamic Put Selling

I rely on a seemingly simple strategy for over 89.99% of my trades: selling puts. However, Iā€™ve spent years refining and perfecting this approach, guided by a mentor with 25 years of experience.

I did what most wonā€™tā€”I persevered. I didnā€™t give up. I delved deeply into each component of the trade, learning how they interact and affect each other.

With the insights from my mentor, I applied core investing principles to options trading to develop a powerful tool that boosts returns and reduces risk. I mastered how to integrate these elements to work in my favour, allowing me to maximise returns while effectively minimising risks.

The Strategic Edge of Selling Puts

Iā€™m about to explain how selling puts can be compared to insurance and how Iā€™ve significantly enhanced this basic concept. But first, letā€™s consider another analogy to highlight why put selling serves as a perfect foundation for a robust trading strategy.

When you sell a put, youā€™re essentially getting paid to make an offer to buy a stock. Thatā€™s a solid advantage in itself.

However, the real benefit lies in the flexibility: you can adjust or lower your offer if needed, and often earn even more money in the process.Ā 

In essence, we can renegotiate our contractual underwriting obligations, and continue collecting premiums along the way.Ā 

While itā€™s not a perfect fixā€”good choices, setup, and management are importantā€”it offers a solid safety net. This makes it a great starting point for creating a more advanced trading strategy.

Become Your Very Own Underwriter By Selling Stock Insurance

Selling puts is sometimes likened to offering insurance, but instead of covering property, a car, or peopleā€™s lives, youā€™re covering someone elseā€™s stock.Ā 

While this comparison holds some merit, there are distinct differences between traditional insurance and what us savvy stock options traders can achieve.

Insurance companies might benefit from their scale and the large amounts of float that generate interest income. Yet, as informed put sellers, we enjoy several critical advantages:

  • Higher Profitability: We often see much greater returns on investment (ROI).
  • Minimal Overhead: We operate with virtually no operational costs.
  • Selective Insuring: We have the luxury of choosing only top-tier, high-quality stocks.
  • Avoiding Payouts: Most importantly, we can largely avoid paying out.

When you sell a put option, you collect a premium in exchange for agreeing to buy 100 shares of a stock at a set price (the strike price) if the stock falls below that price by the expiration date.

Welcome To Extreme Claims Aversion LTD

Extreme Claims Aversion LTD., is our hypothetical, purely fictional, insurance company operation.Ā 

At ECA we redefine the concept of "paying out" any insurance claims.Ā 

We go beyond traditional loss mitigation strategies to minimise claim payouts.

Our philosophy, which we label "dynamic term revision," allows us to adapt contract conditions in real-time.Ā 

This agile strategy enables us to transform potentially unfavourable situations into advantageous outcomes for our own selfish interests.Ā 

By strategically adjusting our contractual put option obligationsā€”sometimes through multiple iterationsā€”we can consistently outmanoeuvre Mr Market and maintain our competitive edge.Ā 

At Extreme Claims Aversion LTD., we pride ourselves on our "Premium Retention" model.

Your aim is to maximise revenue (premium income) through aggressive underwriting practices while simultaneously minimising outflows (giving back our gains to Mr Market).Ā 

We achieve this by:

> Collecting substantial upfront premiums

> Implementing rigorous claim contestation procedures

> Continuously optimising and revising policy terms to align with our own interests

We scrutinise each claim and only consider payouts after exhaustive disputes with Mr Market.

"Dynamic term revisionā€, is one of my favourite aspects of the strategy.Ā 

So, in essence, the primary objective of Extreme Claims Aversion LTD is to collect lots of premiums while avoiding the need to ever pay out.Ā 

Weā€™re an insurance company that consistently denies claims or only pays out after extensive disputes, and after we have revised the terms in our favour.Ā 

Put Selling: A Business Model That Works

I don't just talk about treating options trading like a business - I live it. As someone who's run a real business, I know firsthand what it takes to succeed.

Our customised put selling strategy, the Sleep Easy Dividend Options Income Strategy, isn't just a trading method - it's a full-fledged business model:

  1. Premium Collection: Our primary revenue stream, collected more regularly than a subscription service.
  2. Risk Management: We have more ways to avoid assignments than a cat has lives.
  3. Accounting: We're as meticulous with our P&L as an auditor with a grudge.

Having run a successful business before, I firmly believe that selling options is the epitome of entrepreneurship in the financial world. Just like in any business:

  • We track every penny in and out.
  • Bookkeeping isn't just important, it's our guiding principle.

Remember, in this business, your capital is your inventory, the market is your customer, and your ability to avoid giving back your gains to Mr Market through strategic options selling is your competitive advantage.

Returns Returns Returns

While I can't promise you'll replicate my same results (legal made us say that), let's just say our target makes most savings accounts look like penny jars.

I personally shoot for a 12-24% annualised returns on our trades.

Annualised Returns: The Speedometer of Money-Making

I believe in clarity almost as much as I believe in avoiding payouts. So let's break down our returns talk:

Annualised ā‰  Total Returns

Here's the deal:

  • If we squeeze a 2% return out of the market in just one month, that's like driving at 24% speed for a year.
  • Annualised return is our financial speedometer. It shows how fast our money is growing, whether we're on a week-long sprint or a month-and-a-half marathon.

Why do we love this metric? It keeps us grounded. Unlike those "Get-Rich-Quick-Or-Die-Trying" option services boasting about their occasional jackpot trades, we prefer consistent speed over flashy burnouts.

Remember: Anyone claiming 50%, 100%, or 200% total returns on short-term trades is probably hiding a graveyard of losses.

The Sleep Easy Dividend Options Income Strategy is not about those triple-digit one-hit wonders. We're like the steady rock band that keeps touring year after year.

Our strategy relies on strict criteria for evaluating potential trades. This selective approach often leads to successful outcomes, allowing us to close positions earlier than initially planned.Ā 

As a result, we frequently achieve a higher annualised return on investment than our initial target. This method of early closure on profitable trades contributes significantly to our overall performance.

Like these trades from 2023:Ā 

A 8 day trade on TQQQ that produced a 38.65% annualised return.

A 13 day trade on CVS that ended with me producing a 39.06% annualised return.Ā 

A 25 day trade on UK-based PSN.L that produced a 27.39% annualised return.

A 4 day trade on British American Tobacco (BATS.L) where I was able to book a 90.34% annualised return.

And these from 2024:

A 11 day trade on SWK that ended with a 49.64% annualised return.Ā 

A SUPER QUICK 5 day trade on TROW that resulted in 138.09% annualised return.Ā 

A 17 day trade on WFC that ended with me closing the trade booking an 29% annualised return.Ā 

A 42.6% annualised return on HPQ after just 11 days in the trade.

A nicely timed trade on PAYX that resulted in a 71.09% annualised return after just 17 days.Ā 

A 46.19% annualised return on TXN after just 16 days.

A 5 day trade on AMD that saw me book a 67.95% annualised return.Ā 

Here's a fuller campaign on dividend aristocrat GSK - GlaxoSmithKline

Performance Summary:

  • Total premium collected: Ā£911
  • Duration: 112 days
  • Total Return (based on daily average-weighted capital): 6.36%
  • Annualised ROI: 20.73%

And here's another shorter duration options campaign on dividend stock - BP

Performance Summary:

  • Total premium collected: Ā£313.8
  • Duration: 75 days
  • Total Return (based on daily average-weighted capital): 3.97%
  • Annualised ROI: 19.33%

While the majority of my trades align with the Sleep Easy Dividend Options Income Strategy, comprising about 80% of my portfolio, I occasionally engage in more extended campaigns on select stocks that I find particularly attractive for options selling. These longer-term positions, representing the remaining 20% of my trades, deviate from my standard approach.

In these cases, I diversify my strategy by selling options on leveraged ETFs and high-momentum growth stocks like Tesla. However, I exercise caution with these more volatile assets by maintaining significantly smaller position sizes compared to my core holdings.

This balanced approach allows me to capitalise on potential high-reward opportunities while still adhering to my primary risk management principles.

Hereā€™s three that I closed recently. You can see every one of my trades during each campaign.

The first is a campaign on SOXL.Ā 

Performance Summary:

  • Total premium collected: $3,311.99
  • Duration: 87 days
  • Total Return (based on daily average-weighted capital): 27.98%
  • Annualised ROI: 117.40%

The second is a campaign on ticker, TNA.Ā 

  • Net premiums: $3,074.15
  • Total return: 20.59%
  • Annualised ROI: 107.36%

The third is a campaign on TSLA that ran for 211 days in total.Ā 

  • Total net premium (incl. potential share appreciation: $10,265.82
  • Return on avg daily weighted capital: 41.01%
  • Annualised ROI: 70.94%
  • Comparison: Buy & hold strategy (Aug'23 to date closed): ~10% return

Ok - What About Trades That Donā€™t Go As Planned?

I mention this trade in the Options Selling Roadmap course, and itā€™s probably been one of my worse ones to date that I have now closed.Ā 

Even the most conservative options trades can sometimes go against you in a big way.Ā 

When this happens, my fundamental principle is to always attempt to 'write down' my book costs through premium received less expenses when repairing a put selling trade.

Benjamin Graham's once said; "No matter how careful we are, the one risk no investor can ever eliminate is the risk of being wrong."

In March 2023, during a U.S. bank run following Silicon Valley Bank's failure, I found myself exposed to UK banking stock Barclays (BARC).Ā 

My trade began as a March 17, 2023, Ā£1.75 SHORT PUT. In other words, I didn't want (or expect) the stock to trade below Ā£1.75/share prior to the March 17 expiration date.Ā 

I sold 9 contracts, exposing me to Ā£15,750 (UK options are 1000 shares/contract).

Guess what happened next? The stock plummeted 32% over 34 days to Ā£1.28/share.

Remaining calm, we approached this as a "campaign mode" rather than a one-off skirmish, allowing more flexibility to work the trade.

So who won, us or Mr Market?Ā 

It was an 8-month street fight, but luckily, we packed a pair of brass knuckles.

I rolled my position to May 2023 for a good credit, but eventually was assigned 9,000 shares at Ā£1.75/share when the stock was at Ā£1.59/share.Ā 

By strategically selling covered calls, I reduced my cost price per share.

One of the great things about selling options is our cost price isn't static, it's dynamic.

On September 15th, 2023, my shares were called away at Ā£1.45/share.Ā 

Despite being underwater, I walked away with an 11.79% annualised return. While not spectacular, it was close to my 12-24% annual target, making me content with the outcome.

Have I ever booked a loss?

Of course I have. I once took a hit on Burberry, traded on the London Stock Exchange. But it was much smaller than if I'd just owned shares.

Everyone makes mistakes. We all end up in regrettable trades sometimes.

My primary option strategy isn't foolproof. But it often helps me weather bad situations well.

Remember, this strategy isn't magic. It only works if you follow the strict standards I outline.

My Personal Journey Into Options Selling

My options trading journey began from a place of frustration. I was trapped in a nightmare job with a "friend's" startup, unable to leave due to financial constraints.

Then, I discovered selling options for income. Luckily, I found a mentor nearby who had been trading options for over 25 years, primarily on UK dividend stocks. He had achieved financial independence at 42 and was 57 when he took me under his wing.

This knowledge was transformative. After mastering the skill, I finally quit that toxic job and never looked back. It was truly a game-changer for me.

Why Give Options A Try

I've been down many roads in trading and investing. I've tried trading breakouts, pullbacks, and reversals. I've devoured books by Mark Minervini, William O'Neil, and countless others. But nothing compares to the power of understanding how to sell options.

Are you are a serious investor tired of not having control of your finances, or your ability to generate monthly cash flow?Ā 

Are you genuinely interested in not just improving your financial future, but also in taking the road less travelled?

Do you want to enhance your skills and knowledge?

If so, then the Options Selling Roadmap is for you. Itā€™s an easy-to-digest self-paced online course that covers EVERY aspect of the Sleep Easy Dividend Options Strategy.

This course isn't just about making money. It's about mastering a skill that can transform your approach to the market. It's about finding calm in the storm of market volatility.

If you're ready to move beyond the typical trading strategies and dive into something that can:

  • Supercharge dividend growth investing: Options enable you to fast-track your portfolio's dividend income and accelerate its growth rate, compounding your returns more rapidly.
  • Enhance value investing: Options provide a pathway to acquire top-tier stocks at discounted prices, amplifying your value strategy.
  • Elevate high-yield income investing: Counterintuitively, options offer higher yields while simultaneously reducing risk, giving you the best of both worlds.

These strategies don't just coexist with options - they thrive with them.

Options Are Risky. Thoughts?

People think buying and selling options is risky, like gambling. But did you know you need to learn about options to become a financial advisor?Ā 

I'm doing my IFA qualification in my spare time, and options are part of the advanced modules.Ā 

The Sleep Easy Dividend Options Income Strategy focuses on selling options on stable, boring blue-chip dividend paying companies to generate income while managing risk.Ā 

Unlike traditional investing, the risk lies in the underlying shares, not the options themselves.

By selecting established companies with consistent dividend records, investors can potentially achieve 12-24% annual returns through a combination of dividends, option premiums, and long-term stock appreciation.

This approach prioritises income generation, allowing investors to better withstand market volatility. While some risk remains inherent in any investment, this strategy aims to reduce overall risk compared to outright stock ownership, emphasising the importance of careful stock selection and avoiding panic during market downturns.

A One-Time Investment in Your Financial Education

Your success is my main concern, not my bottom line. That's why this Program DOESN'T cost thousands, ISN'T monthly subscription-based, and NEVER requires you to purchase anything from me again. My philosophy is simple: "Pay Once, Benefit Forever"

Your one-time purchase grants you lifetime membership, free upgrades, and access to all future materials related to the Sleep Easy Dividend Options Income Strategy. There are zero upsells, cross-sells, or other solicitations in the future.

The reason I can offer this is because the Sleep Easy Dividend Options Income Strategy has genuinely worked for me. I have a income source beyond selling this program ā€“ the returns from my own portfolio using this very strategy.

By sharing this knowledge, I aim to help you achieve similar success without the burden of ongoing costs. My goal is to equip you with the tools and understanding to implement this strategy effectively, allowing you to potentially generate consistent income through smart options trading on dividend-paying stocks.


Q: How much do you need to get started?

A: As a general guide, to trade options I would suggest that you need to have at least Ā£10,000 ($12,000). With a larger account size, you can control position sizing better and build out a more diversified and robust portfolio across different industry sectors and with different betas. For example, for UK option sellers one option contract equates to 1,000 shares. And because our strategy involves selling cash-secured puts (and covered calls) we are required to buy 1,000 shares if assigned after expiration. If you want to trade US options, which I often do, then one US stock option only represents 100 shares. That can mean that there are many more opportunities to pick from the US than here in the UK, especially if you have a smaller account. And if you donā€™t have that much? Donā€™t despair. Options Selling is not for you at this stage, but there is no reason that you cannot start to save and build up your shares of UK or US stocks. For example, if you eventually own 100 shares of Amazon (Ticker symbol AMZN) then you can begin to sell covered calls on your position and earn extra income from owning Amazon that way. Many people do this, slowly building up enough shares to then begin selling options on their positions to juice returns.

Q: Which broker is the best to use for option trading?

A: I discuss all this in one of my modules within the course.

Q: Can a complete investment beginner do this?

A: Certainly! If youā€™ve ever purchased stocks online, youā€™re already halfway there. For those who havenā€™t, as long as you have an interest in investing, are comfortable with numbers, and are willing to invest some time in learning a new skill, youā€™ll be well-prepared. As part of the course, you can bombard me with questions privately over email if you are unsure of anything. Youā€™re never left unsupported. Rest assured, if you have a question, chances are Iā€™ve encountered it many times before and will gladly guide you through it.

Q: Why have I never heard of this?

A: This strategy is transparent and widely known among fund managers and savvy investors, especially in the US where it addresses the challenges of low interest rates. In the UK, itā€™s been overlooked, possibly due to the commission-driven focus of Independent Financial Advisors (IFAs) and the prevalence of spread betting promotions, which I view as akin to gambling. Additionally, options are misunderstood in the UK; however, when used as I teach in the Options Selling Roadmap, they are straightforward, less risky, and easily implemented.

Q: Is it risky?

A: In the world of investments, thereā€™s always some level of risk, except for certain secure options like UK bank accounts (up to Ā£85,000) and government bonds from reputable countries. Even during a banking crisis, your bank account isnā€™t as safe as you might assume. Risk and reward are intertwined ā€“ higher potential rewards come with higher potential risks.

Now, regarding selling options: the risk lies in the underlying shares, not the options you sell. Emphasising this point, the risk is associated with the shares you choose, not the options themselves. Thatā€™s why with the Sleep Easy Dividend Options Income Strategy I advocate focusing on options trading with established, stable companies.

I often select big, reliable blue-chip companies like British American Tobacco, HSBC, British Petroleum, Segro, United Utilities, and GlaxoSmithKline. For the US market, I prefer Dividend Kings like Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Johnson & Johnson, Colgate-Palmolive, and Target ā€“ companies with a consistent record of dividend payments and growth.

While the share prices of these companies may fluctuate, the likelihood of them going bankrupt is low. Selling options on these shares generates immediate cash flow, helping offset potential drops in share prices. By holding onto these stocks for the long term, collecting dividends, and selling covered calls, you can boost your annual return to 12-24%.

Selling options, in essence, reduces the risk compared to outright ownership of these shares. However, itā€™s crucial to acknowledge that some risk remains, even with blue-chip stocks. The strategyā€™s focus is on income from dividends and option premiums, allowing investors to withstand short-term share volatility. Our mantra is to prioritise income, making it easier to weather market fluctuations.

To summarise, owning shares or any asset involves inherent risk, but as long as the company remains solvent, prices usually recover. The key is selecting the right stocks and avoiding panic during downturns. I can assist you in building a list of sold stocks for options trading, with a focus on big, reliable blue-chip companies that pay consistent dividends, further reducing your risk

Q: Do you tell me exactly what to invest in?

A: I donā€™t provide copy trading services. Be cautious of others who do, as they may not disclose when to close positions or may have lower adjusted cost bases than you, making them more aggressive on strike price selection when selling puts and covered calls. I focus on education, not specific investment advice. The Options Selling Roadmap teaches you how to independently select stocks for covered calls and cash-secured puts. I aim to empower you to master your own options trading journey.

The age-old saying goes: ā€œGive a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."

Having said all of that, I do provide links to some online folks that offer live trade alerts inside the course.

Q: Can you do this with US stocks and options?

A: Yes, the course covers both UK and US markets, discussing their pros and cons. Although I primarily sell options on the UK market, I occasionally engage in option selling on stocks like Tesla for its attractive premiums.

Q: Do I have to implement all aspects of the technique?

A: No, itā€™s not required. Many choose to sell covered calls exclusively, generating supplementary income by holding a portfolio of long-term stocks. Alternatively, you can use cash-secured puts to enter positions at lower prices, maximising cash flow, and then transition to covered calls for a strategic exit. The approach is flexible, allowing you to start simple and customise it based on your preferences. Selling options as an investment strategy is very flexible. You can adapt it to your investing style in various market conditions.

Q: How much income can I make?

A: Ah, this is the number one question I get asked.

Iā€™d love to be able to give you a definitive answer, but itā€™s just not possible Iā€™m afraid. It depends on several factors, including your risk tolerance, what strike prices you choose, and the shares you choose to write options on. Not to mention what the broader stock market is doing.

However, it is usually possible to achieve annualised yields on the options we sell in the region of 12-24%.

There is no guarantee that you will be able to repeatedly sell options at this level (although some Roadmappers target selling options with much higher returns) and the value of the underlying shares may well fall so that you have an unrealized loss on the whole position.

But, if you can capture some dividends as well then it gives you an idea of the level of income this strategy can- and does ā€” achieve.
The key point is that selling options on stocks you own (or would like to own) brings in a cash premium that can help offset some of the losses if your shares take a tumble. I will show you how to record all of your trades in a campaign format so you can track these metrics with ease.

Please be aware that this is in no way a guarantee of the yields or earnings you will make. It is purely for illustrative purposes and you should realise that it is quite possible to lose money.

Q: What support do you offer?

Been there, done that with confusing courses? Fret not! The Options Selling Roadmap includes unlimited free access for your burning questions via email. Quick responses guaranteed ā€“ because who likes to be stuck? Keep in mind, though, that I cannot give personal finance or trade-specific advice. In a nutshell, youā€™ve got all the support you need.

Q: ā€‹ā€‹Why I Teach Vs Just Trading Full Time

A: I have been asked this a few times especially since I sold one of my previous businesses for a life changing (to me anyway) sum of money.Ā Ā 

And ā€” if my options selling trades work so well, why not just trade it myself full-time? Why invest so much time and energy promoting and teaching it via the Options Selling Roadmap?Ā 

Itā€™s an honest question, of course, so below is a candid answer on why I do this vs simply just trading full-time for a living.Ā 

  1. Diverse Income Streams: Teaching provides an additional income source, enhancing financial stability and security.
  2. Efficient Time Management: Managing trades requires minimal time, allowing me to focus more on teaching and analysis.
  3. Continuous Learning: Teaching enhances my trading skills as I delve deep into option strategies, fostering continuous growth.
  4. Educational Legacy for My Son: Creating courses and resources ensures a solid financial education foundation for my sonā€™s future.
  5. Purpose in Life: Teaching fulfils a sense of purpose, something I have been looking for since selling my previous two businesses.Ā 
  6. Enjoyment in Collaborative Work: I genuinely enjoy working with people, and fostering a collaborative learning environment.

In essence, teaching options trading not only benefits others but also enriches my own life through learning, income diversity, and a sense of purpose.

What Roadmappers are saying about The Options Selling Roadmap, and the Sleep Easy Dividend Options Income StrategyĀ 

ā€œA rare gem - straightforward video and text explanations of profitable options strategies by a successful UK based trader who has been there, done it and is still doing it. Covering both the UK and US markets, its a no-brainer, if you're at all interested in options... Just get it!"

ā€œThanks Kevin for all the help and support the past few months. Really appreciated.ā€Ā 

"I am an insurance broker and I love the collect-sell premium philosophy."

ā€œAppreciate all your support Kevinā€

"I was so happy to find this course. Kevin's way of teaching is fun and practical. Plus, Kevin is always there to help with any questionsā€

"I've read and studied carefully the first 9 lessons and also your corresponding videos. I think they are very well explained and get straight to the point... congratulations on the contents of the course. I'm enjoying it."

"Joining this course was a huge win. I learned how to skip bad trades without worrying. Thanks to Kevin, who always responds quickly to my questions, I'm making smarter choices and seeing steady profits."

"This course is full of valuable advice for option sellers. I joined a few of the live trade services that Kevin references in the Information Library Section and I have been doing really well following theseā€

ā€œThe OS Roadmap has turned my trading into a business.ā€

"Great course. I've learned more in four months than I did in years on my own. The resources and support from the course have been really helpful. Very happy, and great value.ā€Ā 

"Thanks Kevin for getting back to me so quicklyā€Ā 

ā€œYour material was great, set me on the right road and gave me a great start.ā€œ

So Here's What Is Included

A comprehensive learning hub for passive income seekers wanting to learn how to sell options. It's an online, video and written-based, study at your own pace course.

šŸŽ„ Ā Ā 1.5+ Hours of Video Course Material
šŸ“˜Ā Ā Ā 19 PDF Trading Strategy Guides (180+ pages) showing you how to invest with options
šŸ“ŠĀ Ā Ā Access To All My Spreadsheets
šŸ”‘ Ā Ā Lifetime Access to Added Modules

Meet Your Navigator šŸš˜

and Iā€™m OBSESSED with options trading!

My wife and friends have imposed a ban on me talking about it

But, nothing could stop me from quitting my consulting job to pursue it full-time!

Turning my trading into a full time job makes me so happy, and I want the same for you!

Thatā€™s why I donā€™t hold back any tips or strategies. Itā€™s why I share EVERYTHING I do and why I do it, so you can do the same!Ā 

You May Be Thinking...

ā€œYeah, ok, Kevin.

Iā€™ve seenĀ plentyĀ of Options courses.Ā  Why would thisĀ be any different?ā€

Great question.Ā 

Iā€™ve achieved success WAY faster than most options sellers. Not because Iā€™m super special ā€“ but because I was mentored by someone with 25 years of experience. Now I have taken all of these learnings, along with some of my own, and compressed them into this course.


With micro-lessons (under 15 mins), actionable steps, multiple methods for different learning styles, AND the most comprehensive and actionable Options Selling course there isā€¦

Youā€™ll be joining me in making passive income in no time!

That is why the Options Selling Roadmap is the ultimate bucket list skill to pick up for anyone who wants to earn money for life and be able to do it from anywhere.Ā 

Here's What You Get With The Options Selling Roadmap šŸ—ŗļø

Ā Beginner to advanced guides on every topic that moves the needle and allows you to start making money.Ā 

Ā Strategies for understanding and utilising options that arenā€™t taught ANYWHERE else. No generic fluff or the same generic options training drivel you read all over the internet.Ā 

Ā Actionable strategies to scale your portfolio and passive income, and when to do each step.

All This (And More!) Is Yours With The Options Selling Roadmap:

Short videos so you can absorb the content in a digestible way

Actionable steps that you can implement straight away and get rapid resultsĀ 

A copy of my Options Campaign Manager spreadsheet so you can record your trades, manage your P&L, and review your average cost prices and % annualized returns.Ā 

Lifetime access to a growing video library so that you donā€™t have to purchase another options selling course ever again

Continuously updated content so you can be confident that youā€™re staying ahead of the latest and greatest strategies.

What's next?

āž”ļø Ā After purchasing, you will have full access to everything.

āž”ļø Ā You donā€™t need to do anything. Everything will be available to you to go through at your own pace.

āž”ļø Any problems then just get in touch hello@kevinsmith.uk I reply to most questions pretty quickly, and I am happy to help in anyway I can.

See you inside šŸ‘ŠšŸ»

P.S. Enjoy lifetime access with no recurring fees. As we add more content, the price will riseā€”secure your spot now before the cost increases!

I want this!

Options Selling Roadmap Covers:

Lesson #1
Lesson #2
Guide To Cash-Secured Puts
Lesson #3
Guide To Covered Calls
Lesson #4
Options Chains, Pricing and Liquidity
Lesson #5
Position Sizing & Money Management
Lesson #6
Weekly Vs Monthly Options
Lesson #7
The UK Vs the US Market
Lesson #8
A Guide to Adjusted Cost Basis Using Options
Lesson #9
Technical Analysis: Best 3 Indicators For Options Sellers
Lesson #10
A Guide To Annualised Returns
Lesson #11
How To Manage In-The-Money Puts
Lesson #12
How To Manage Out-The-Money Puts
Lesson #13
How To Manage In-The-Money Covered Calls
Lesson #14
How To Manage Out-The-Money Covered Calls
Lesson #15
Choosing A Broker
Lesson #16
Tesla Live Trade Examples
Lesson #17
How To Record Your Trades
Information Library
Free spreadsheets, live trade recommendations, and more
VIP Report #1
Becoming a Nightmare Underwriter Selling Puts
VIP Report #2
How To Grab A Bargain Selling Options
VIP Report #3
Your Path Towards Options Trading Full-TimeĀ 
3 Option Quizzes To Test Your Knowledge
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Options Selling Roadmap šŸ—ŗļø

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